Executive Order 162 – Ensuring Pay Equity By State Contractors

Executive Order 162 requires state contractors to disclose data on the gender, race, ethnicity, job title, and salary of employees performing work on state contracts issued and executed on or after June 1, 2017. After consideration of the public comment submitted regarding the proposed Implementation Guidance, the Guidance was amended accommodate such comments.

Commencing January 1, 2018, New York State Agencies and Authorities will require that all contracts and procurements subject to Executive Law Article 15-A and issued by on or after June 1, 2017 be required to comply with this additional disclosure requirement, and will require prime contractors to require the same information to be submitted by any of their subcontractors on the state contract. Contractors should consult with their relevant contracting agency or authority to determine the specific details regarding the reporting date and any other additional requirements for their designated contract or procurement.

The final guidelines and supporting materials include the following:

  1. Final Implementation Guidance
  2. Frequently Asked Questions and Responses 
  3. Summary of Comments Received during Notice and Comment Period and Responses
  4. Instructions for Submitting Workforce Utilization Form (EEO-1) 
  5. Amended Workforce Utilization Form (EEO-1)