Fountain Avenue Project Final Environmental Impact Study (FEIS)
Table of Contents and Acronyms
Executive Summary
1. Project Description
2. Land Use, Zoning and Public Policy
3. Socioeconomic Conditions
4. Community Facilities and Services
5. Open Space
6. Shadows
7. Historic and Cultural Resources
8. Urban Design and Visual Resources
9. Natural Resources
10. Hazardous Materials
11. Water and Sewer Infrastructure
12. Solid Waste and Sanitation Services
13. Energy
14. Transportation
15. Air Quality
16. Green House Gas Emissions
17. Noise
18. Public Health
19. Neighborhood Character
20. Construction
21. Alternatives
22. Cumulative Effects
23. Mitigation Measures
24. Unavoidable Adverse Impacts
25. Growth Inducing Aspects of the Proposed Action
26. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources
27. Response to Comments
List of Appendices
Appendix A
New York State Department of State
Coastal Management Program Coastal Assessment Form
New York City Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
Consistency Assessment
Appendix B:
Scope of Work
Appendix C:
Proposed Zoning Overrides
Appendix D:
Agency Correspondence
(Refer to Appendix E for additional agency correspondence related to archaeological resources)
Appendix: E:
Phase 1A Archaeological Documentary Study and Related New
York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation Correspondence
Appendix F:
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
(Provided as electronic file on CD-ROM)
and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix G:
Jamaica Bay Watershed Protection Plan Project Tracking Form
Appendix H:
Transportation (Provided as electronic file on CD-ROM)
Appendix I:
Comments Received on DEIS and General Project Plan